Friday, January 14, 2011

Vinyl Lettering

After living on the farm for more than two years I decided it was high time to replace the old owners name on the mailbox with our name. So I cut some vinyl lettering in black with our name and address. I used the outdoor vinyl that can withstand all weather and has a 10 year guarantee. Get yours at  I love it. Although I'm sure the previous owner may dislike that her name is no longer there she can be rest assured that where she wrote it in sharpie on the inside of the mailbox I will probably not jump on painting over it for a while. She's probably there "permanent"ly. Ha ha!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Vinyl Pumpkins

Halloween was a lot of fun on the farm!
We grew pumpkins in the garden this year and ended up with nearly 100!
Not bad for 2 rows in the garden.
As usual the boys wanted to sell their pumpkins so out to the curb they went with their little stand.
They worked hard to carry all the pumpkins from the backyard to the front and proudly painted and made their own sign "Pumpkins for Sale" in vinyl. Then we also cut vinyl pumpkin faces and displayed them for their customers to see. They sold the pumpkins from $1 to $4 and then charged $1 more for a vinyl decal to be put on the pumpkin. It was great!
The vinyl was provided by my company Signs and Wonders Decor. You can find us at
We offer a wide variety of ready made vinyl designs. These can be ordered individually or you can create your own finished product into a wood sign, on a plate display, tile display, curved glass, framed or our new favorite on GRANITE! So fun. We also can design and make custom T-shirts. Check us out for all of your vinyl decor needs.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Our first baby born on the farm

This afternoon we discovered little "Snowflake" standing next to his mother in the barn.

He is a cute little guy and already up and running around. He looks a lot like his mother Gerti.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Our Little Visitor

Pictures of Jon Amy and Jake on the Farm

More FARM Pictures


Redford Farms was established in 2008.
It is owned and operated by the Redford Family.